Odds Ratio for low back pain per number of gives in Matthiass-test ( to 4): 1.77 (95% CI 1.08 to 2.91)"
Someone told me that kubean high-jumbers warm up by jumping down from several meters. I wanted to test this.
I wrote an even better manuscript on return to work, which i did not manage to get published
„Erfolgreich zu sein setzt zwei Dinge voraus: klare Ziele und den brennenden Wunsch, sie zu erreichen.“ Dieser Satz stammt von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Für die Therapieplanung ist er essenziell. Wie man mit einer guten Zielsetzung die Motivation des Patienten erhöht, die Teamzusammenarbeit fördert und so den Therapieerfolg leichter erreicht, lesen Sie hier.
The first paper of my stay at the swiss paraplegic research center in Nottwil
Second paper of my stay at the swiss paraplegic research center in Nottwil
Third paper of my stay at the swiss paraplegic research center in Nottwil
Fourth paper of my stay at the swiss paraplegic research center in Nottwil
A merger of an unpublished manuscript with another unpublished manuscript: the merger got published
I did a lot of Rasch analyses which did not end up in the final version
Another paper from my time in Nottwil
Swiss paraplegic research nottwil
I got the funding - of course way to little - did the analyses and wrote the manuscript. Great team that did run the study in Montana
Work from my time at the BFH. I helped with the measurements
Helping out my friend
I helped with the statistical analysis
Another study from my time at the BFH
..and I learned a lot
Another product of the collaboration with Slavko
A lot of fun doing these analyses with Philippe Terrier
Reliability study.
I would add internal validation with bootstrapping
From my time at the HES-SO collaboration with the CRR Sion
I helped with the analyses
Great teamwork with Simone and Hannu
I learned so much from the team! Thanks to all of them!
Congratulationsn to Bernhard
Happy to collaborate with these colleagues
Nice work from Svenja and Maurizio Trippolini
Bland-Altman Plots
One of the PhD projects of Martin Sattelmayer
But I always liked to help Slavko
Another paper from Team Leukerbad
I am a big fan of the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire
Thanks to Simone Elsig
WORRK with two Rs. Google it.
Cool team
Nice collaboration with the SUVA
I love working together with Jan!
... but hard work. Thanks to Ruedi Steuri for everything
I love gait stability studies
Again, a very nice collaboration
Good vibrations
Thank you for this experience, Vahid!
One of her PhD papers
Again, a very nice collaboration with the SUVA
Nice collaboration with the SUVA
Look at current guidelines
This project started before 2010 and finished in 2024
Thanks Davide, thanks Michael
Always a pleasure to collaborate with Martin, Ruedi and Odille.
Thanks Davide, thanks Michael
Thanks Davide, thanks Michael
Wait for more
Clinical epidemiology is: "a marriage between quantitative concepts used by epidemiologists to study disease in populations and decision-making in the individual case which is the daily fare of clinical medicine"
John R. Paul